Asian Travel Destinations For A Better Experience

Asian Travel Destinations For A Better Experience

There are a lot of top destinations which you can choose as travel destinations in Asia. The majority of people always face confusion when it comes to deciding the travel destinations. But it is actually not difficult to decide best destination to travel in Asia. The best part is most of the destinations are available for the best flight fares as well. There are many tempting spots to choose from in Asia. There are many destinations in Asia where you can enjoy culinary treats, nature, culture, and even UNESCO sites.

Here are a few destinations in Asia that you can add to your travel destination list.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

This is a very pleasant destination and it is the northern capital. This destination is preferred by most of the travelers when they need to escape from hectic life. The majority of the tourist actions happens in the old city and you can witness orange-robed monks in huge numbers. This is the place where you can cover night markets, mountain trekking, and cultural festivals. Along with that you can also visit beautiful temples.

This city encounters millions of visitors in a year and most of the travelers prefer to come back to this city. This is definitely coming on the top of the list if you choose top 10 destinations in Thailand.

Penang, Malaysia

This place is also popular as ‘Pearl of the Orient’. This is the right choice if you are looking for a place to relax as well as eat delicious food. Once you visit this place, you will start appreciating Malaysia in many different ways. Malaysians are highly proud of their islands and when you visit this place you will understand the reason behind that.


Singapore is also called a modern green city. This is the country which is considered to be well worth to visit in Asia. This country showcases a unique blend when it comes to culture and you can enjoy mega-mall shopping in Singapore. But do not just think about Singapore as just concrete shopping blocks. Along with big shopping malls, you will also find highly impressive ample green space in Singapore.

Malaysian Borneo

This is placed in the southeast of Asia and this is considered to be the third-largest island in the entire world. This island is shared between Brunei, Indonesia, and even Malaysia. This place is a natural paradise and it offers plentiful endangered orangutans, rainforests, and even indigenous cultures. There is affordable flight from Kuala Lumpur to this place. There are two states in Malaysia Borneo, Sabah, and Sarawak. Among these, Sabah and the capital of this state Kinabalu is the best tourist place. This is placed in the shadow of Kinabalu Mountain.

Thailand and its islands

thailand travel

The majority of the islands placed in Thailand are considered to be most beautiful islands in the world. You can experience blue water, white sand, cheap diving, and you can also choose to enjoy the nightlife. The best part is you will experience diversity in these islands in Thailand. Koh Samui and Phuket are developed and they are considered to be the hottest parts of Thailand.

Siem Reap, Cambodia

This destination can be considered to be the gateway for exploring and it is the most fascinating and beautiful UNESCO world heritage site in Asia. You can witness 900 years old temple here called Angkor temples.

Beijing, China

This place is polluted, crowded, but highly appealing. This is considered to be the pounding heart of China. There are many places and destinations to visit here like Forbidden City and Great Wall. You will easily get addicted to the busy streets here once you started wandering.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali is the right place if you are looking for volcanic landscapes and beaches. There is full magic and this was the best and preferred destination for surfers and honeymooners. This is one of the top destinations to visit in Asia. There is no limit if you are in search of excellent beaches, beautiful scenery, and highly welcoming culture. This is one of the busiest places in Indonesia. There are affordable flights from Bangkok to Bali.

Tokyo, Japan

This is not the cheapest place to choose in Asia since it is the largest metropolitan economy. This may even exceed New York City. You will see talking toilets, urban marvels, and aloof culture. You need to learn some travel tips to save money before visiting here.

Rajasthan, India

This is known as the desert state of India. In India, if you are looking for a place with rich history then Rajasthan is the best choice. If you are in search of place with beautiful beaches then choose Goa. Rajasthan is also very popular for camels, stories of romance, and highly impressive forts. Once you explore this place, it will definitely become an unforgettable destination.

Final thoughts

Even though there are a lot of destinations to choose from, you should pick the ones based on weather and your budget.
